Gil just finished his first play through of Heavy Rain and it was fucking intense. There was attempted rape, epic
fights, dismemberment, children in danger, LOTS of death, electrocution and urination.
Heavy Rain is like a movie, those choose your own adventure books, and point and click games combined together into one giant quick time event. Sounds weird but it works. Really well.

The story is very engaging. You grow attached to the characters and truly concerned for their well being. The plot twists were completely unexpected, even for Gil and I who predict almost everything correctly. We had dozens of "What the hell?" moments. The controls are rather intuitive; Gil says they correspond well to the motions the characters are doing on the screen. There were a few times the controls wouldn't work, but nothing major. There were three times Gil meant to do one thing and messed up and got the opposite reaction that he was wanted. The first time it was funny, the other two not so much.
Graphically it's not bad. The load screens between the chapters are especially pretty. The animations during these times are also very nice, very subtle. The animations during the rest of the game are good overall, but the dialogue animation a pretty hit or miss. Sometimes it's nice, other times kinda disturbing. The textures are nice through out, but it's funny to see them load every once and a while when a chapter starts.
Gil's first run left him with 55% completion, and as a type this out he is trying to get trophy where you get to the end with everyone alive and then fail in the last chapter. And I've got to tell you it is hard to watch these people you have been helping fail, either by not getting to help or by death. It's really sad.
We can't wait to find out all the other endings, however sad and crazy they may be.
Just got Heavy Rain... and I have only gotten an hour or so into it. I am liking it. I was skeptical at first but as it goes on I think this game really did something new and interesting. Thank you for not spoiling anything either. Now I just need to make sure no one dies... It caught me off guard when the hooker's bf or what ever started to beat the shit out of me when I was all laid back on the couch and relaxed.