Sunday, January 31, 2010

Left Sided Apology

So. We haven't posted in a while. We're sorry for that. Kinda.

There are two reasons for our lack of posts. Over the Holidays we were separated. He had to go with his mom to see family. I was told that the only reason I was allowed not to visit the folks was if I had a job, so guess where I was. It was a fun Christmas, for a change. Only problem, slow internet. Or in Gil's case, none. So, no postings.

Then, after we finally got home, our router died, and we had no money to get a new one. We tried to look for one at a store, but didn't know what the hell we were looking for. Calling AT&T was a waste of friggin time. Stupid lousy automated bastards. Finally, Gil stopped by a AT&T store and got one. YEAH!!! Now we have internet!

So, hopefully we'll be getting some regular posts going soon.

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