Thursday, December 3, 2009

Quotes from the Couch

"Physics, I slap my dick on you!"-Jeremi

"I'll ask him later, 'cause I don't want to yell at him while he's on the pot."-Kim

"He has a box dick. I mean, really, it's like a cheese wheel."-Kim about stupid guys on Yahoo!Answers

"Why do they keep casting Nicholas Cage as an action hero? Nicholas Cage doesn't scream action hero to me,
he screams pussy."-Gil

"I would totally put that in my pants and jump around." -Gil

"It's dark. My boobs hurt!"-Kim

"Ooooooh! That makes my nipples toasty!"-Gil

"NO! Don't drink that. It's my dipping milk."-Kim

"Farting on peoples' teeth is horrible."-Ashley

"So, your defying gravity and death all at the same time."-Candace


  1. Didnt Gil say his nipples were toasty last night?

  2. Yeah, I think I said it while we were playing Uncharted 2.
